서른 즈음 시작하는 소소한 블로그

토익스피킹 유형 정리 + 빈출 표현 익히기 본문

일상 이야기/영어

토익스피킹 유형 정리 + 빈출 표현 익히기

SON SUBIN 2019. 1. 7. 00:45

Part 3 유형 정리 : 제시된 토픽에 관련된 세 개의 질문에 답하는 문제

1> 유형

문제 번호 : Questions 4~6

문제 수 : 3 문제(각 3점)

준비 시간 : 없음

답변 시간 : 4, 5번 15초 / 6번 30초

2> Part 3에 출제되는 문제 패턴

Question 4

의문사를 사용하여 빈도, 시간과 같은 간단한 정보 질문

간단한 내용 두 가지를 한 번에 묻는 경우가 많음

(예시) How often do you go to a concert and who do you usually go with?

의문사 : When, Where, What, Who, Why, How

Question 5

일반의문문이나 의문사의문문으로 취향, 장/단점, 종류, 의견 등을 질문

(예시) How do you find out about concerts in your area?

일반의문문 : Is / Are, May, Will, Would, Have ~ ?

Question 6

제안을 요청하거나 중요하게 여기는 사항, 특징, 장/단점 등을 묻는 질문이 자주 출제

(예시) I'd like to go to a concert soon. What concert do you suggest I go to?

Part 3 기초 학습

1> 의문사별 응답 익히기

문제를 인용하여 답변하기

Q : 의문사 + 질문의 표현

A : 질문의 표현 + 의문사별 응답


Q : Where + do you live?

A : I live + in Korea

얼마나 자주? How often, How many times

Q : How often do you get a haircut?

A : I get a haircut + once a month / every other month / three times a year.

얼마나 오래? How long, How many hours

Q : How long do you use the internet every day?

A : I use the internet every day + for two hours / for almost an hour + for approximately 30 minutes.

어떻게? How

Q : How do you usually get to work?

A : I usually get to work + by subway / by bus / on foot.

언제? When, What time, On what occations

Q : When do you buy gifts for your friends?

A : I buy gifts for my friends + on their birthdays / when they get promoted + at Christmas.

Q : On what occations do you buy cakes?

A : I buy cakes + for people's birthdays / only during holidays / sometimes for parties.

어디? WHere, Waht place

Q : Where do you buy your clothes?

A : I buy my clothes + at a shop in the mall / on the internet / from a store near my house.

무엇(종류)? What kind of, What

Q : What kinds of books do you enjoy reading?

A : I enjoy reading + science fiction / mystery novels / nonfiction / comic books.

Q : What was the last program you watched on TV?

A : The last program I watched on TV was + the news / a comedy show / a weather report / a popular talk show.

Extra 1 : When was the last time ~ ?

Q : When was the last time you met your friends?

A : The last time I met my friends was + two days ago / two weeks ago / two months ago.

Extra 2 : How long have you ~ ?

Q : How long have you used your car?

A : I have used my car for + two years / three years / two months.

Extra 3 : If you could ~, what would you do?

Q : If you could do anything on your free time, what would you do?

A : If I could do anything on my free time, I would + travel abroad / read some books / take a rest / meet my friends.

Extra 4 : Would you ever ~ ? 

Q : Would you ever take a bicycle trip? Why or why not.

A : I would never take a bicycle trup, because + the weather is hot / it is dangerous / I am so tired.

Extra 5 : What was the best things you have done ~ ?

Q : What was the best thing you have done in the past?

A : Volunteering / Traveling Egypt + was the best thing I have done is the past.

2> 질문 응답에 자주 사용되는 표현 익히기

선호/취향을 말할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현

I prefer A to B : 저는 B보다 A를 선호합니다.
(예시) I prefer taking a bus to taking a train.

(예시) I prefer watching movies to reading books.

(예시) I prefer taking a subway to taking a bus.

I enjoy ~ : 저는 ~ 하는 것을 즐깁니다.

(예시) I enjoy watching moves + when I have free time.

(예시) I enjoy cooking on the weekend.

(예시) I enjoy jogging at night.

I like ~ because ~ : ~ 때문에 저는 ~ 하는 것을 좋아합니다.

(예시) I like working out because it keeps me healthy.

(예시) I like reading books, beacuse it relieves my stress.

(예시) I like cleaning my house, because it is refreshing.

If I could ~, I would ~ : 만약 제가 ~ 할 수 있다면, ~ 할 것입니다.

(예시) If I could learn how to play an instrument, I would choose to play the piano.

(예시) If I could do anything now, I would go abroad.

(예시) If I could make a choice, I would start working at 10 a.m.

My favorite A is / are ~ : 제가 가장 좋아하는 A는 ~입니다.

(예시) My favorite outdoor activities are mountain climbing and bike riding.

(예시) My favorite food is Korean bulgogi.

(예시) My favorite clothes are pink t-shirts and pairs of black jeans.

의견/주장을 말할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현

In my opinion : 제 생각에는

(예시) In my opinion, it is important to learn foreign languages.

(예시) In my opinion, it is not a big matter.

(예시) In my opinion, it is a big hassle.

I think ~ : 저는 ~이라고 생각합니다.

(예시) I think + it is easier to send an e-mail than write a letter.

(예시) I think (that) math is very hard.

(예시) I think (that) it is absolutely expensive.

In my case : 제 경우에는

(예시) In my case, I'm more likely to borrow books from a library than buy them at a store.

(예시) In my case, I try to stay up-do-date.

(예시) In my case, I stretch my body to help my blood circulation.

특징, 장/단점을 말할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현

The characteristics of A are ~ : A의 특징은 ~입니다.

(예시) The characteristics of good clothing are having a unique design and being made of good materials.

(예시) There are some characteristics of good clothing. First, it is made of good materials. Second, it has a unique design.

The most important qualities in / of A are ~ : A의 가장 중요한 자질(특성)은 ~입니다.

(예시) The most important qualities in a good leader are good communication skills and the ability to solve problems.

(예시) There are some important qualities of a good leader. First is communication skills. And, the other one is problem solving skills.

The advantages / disadvantages of A are ~ : A의 장/단점은 ~입니다.

(예시) The advantages of online shopping are that it is fast and doesn't cost much money.

(예시) There are some advantages of online shopping. First, it is fast. Also, it doesn't cost much money.

이유, 근거를 말할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현

That's because ~ : ~하기 때문입니다.

(예시) That's because I enjoy spending time with my friends.

(예시) That's because I personally don't like it.

(예시) That's because cleaning my room makes me calm.

First / First of all : 첫째로 + Second / Secondly : 둘째로

(예시) First of all, children's toys should be safe and clean.

(예시) First of all, it has improved our life.

(예시) First of all, everyone agrees that it is important.

In addition / Also : 게다가 / 또한

(예시) In addition, it should be easy to use.

(예시) In addition, the exterior design is excellent.

(예시) In addition, it offers an extra 20% discount.

For these reasons : 이러한 이유로 + Therefore : 그러므로

(예시) For these reasons, I prefer watching television to listening to the radio.

(예시) For these reasons, we should get some advice.

(예시) For thease reasons, it is worth it.

3> 빈출 토픽별 응답 표현 익히기


good for relieving stress : 스트레스 해소에 좋은

(예시) Playing outdoor sports is good for relieving stress.

(예시) Taking a deep breath is good for relieving stress.

(예시) Classic music is good for babies.

go out with friends : 친구들과 외출하다

(예시) I go out with my friends twice a month.

(예시) I go out with my friends and enjoy great food.

(예시) I go out for lunch around 2 p.m.

share opinions : 의견을 교환하다

(예시) We can share our opinions about hte movies we watch.

(예시) We can share our opinions with each other.

(예시) We can share our life stories and pictures.

eat out : 외식하다

(예시) I usually eat out in the evenings with my friends after work.

(예시) I usually eat out in Gang-nam area.

(예시) Many people eat out less because of the bad economy.

have a big family : 대가족이다

(예시) It is very expensive these days to have a big family.

(예시) I have a big family consisting of 10 people.

(예시) I have a small family.

제품 관련

offer a variety of products : 다양한 제품을 제공하다

(예시) Convenience stres offer a variety of products at any time of the day.

(예시) They offer a variety of products at low prices.

(예시) There is a wide range of products.

Take up a lot of space : 많은 공간을 차지하다

(예시) CDs take up a lot of space, so I prefer downloading music.

(예시) Downloading takes up a lot of time.

(예시) It takes up a lot of space.

easy to buy : 사기 쉬운

(예시) Online shopping makes it easy to buy all the things I need.

(예시) Hamburger is quick and easy to buy.

(예시) It is easy for me to try.

travel guidebook : 여행안내서

(예시) The only things I purchase at bookstores are travel guidebooks.

(예시) Travel guide books are full of good information.

(예시) Travel guide book usually includes some coupons.

lend ~ to a friend : 친구에게 ~을 빌려주다

(예시) When I finish watching a DVD, I can lend it to a friend.

(예시) I can lend my car to my mother, but never to my younger brother.

(예시) You shouldn't lend money to someone else.

affordable : (가격이) 구매할 만한

(예시) Recently, computers have become more affordable.

(예시) There are few affordable houses in Seoul.

(예시) I can afford to buy a car.

서비스 관련

do banking : 은행업무를 보다

(예시) I do my banking during my lunch break.

(예시) I mostly do online banking.

(예시) I do banking very rarely, because I am a student.

wasting time ~ing : ~하는 데 시간을 낭비하다

(예시) I don't like wasting my time standing around waiting for service.

(예시) I don't like wasting time playing computer games.

(예시) I hate wasting my time on commuting.

in a rush : 서두르는

(예시) I often make mistakes when I am in a rush.

(예시) He is always in a rush.

(예시) Our project is in a rush, the deadline is coming.

check an e-mail : 이메일을 확인하다

(예시) I use my mobile phone to check my e-mail.

(예시) I chek my e-mails at least 2 times a day.

(예시) I check my emails and answer my clients every day.

cost much money : 돈이 많이 들다

(예시) The advantage of using public transportaion is that it doesn't cost much money.

(예시) Traveling abroad casts much money.

(예시) It doesn't cost any money to walk.

save a lot of time : 많은 시간을 절약하다

(예시) It saves a lot of time sending e-mails back and forth.

(예시) It saved a lot of time and effort.

(예시) Online lecture can save you a lot of time.